Payment Methods
We offer the following payment methods. Simply choose the payment method that is optimal for you.

Payment in advance
Please transfer the total amount of your order to our account:

Account holder: Möbel29 Mehmet Gürer
IBAN: DE81 4825 0110 0008 0451 55
Bank name: Sparkasse Lemgo

We offer you to pay comfortably for your purchase after receipt of goods. The purchase on account is processed through our trading partner Billpay. Please note our ABG’s

Direct debit
Our trading partner Billpay collects the invoice amount of your order from your deposited bank account without additional fees after placing the order. Please note our ABG’s

Pay conveniently and immediately via PayPal.

Hire purchase
You have the option to complete your order (from a shopping cart value of EUR 100) through our retail partner Billpay via installment purchase with 0% financing. Please note our ABG’s, if applicable, your advantages of our 0% financing (Link)

Cash on pickup
The ordered goods can be picked up from us on site and paid in cash. Collection is only possible after an agreed date.